Should we use AI for Christian teaching?

There’s a lot of talk on AI and excitement about possibilities and worries of people losing jobs or false information being generated with no way to stop it.

I look at industrial machinery which always has a big red emergency stop button.

There’s been talk that this could be used for Christian teaching.

I had a play with Midjourney, an AI tool which can be used to generate pictures based on a brief entered by the user.

I asked it to show Jesus out with his disciples fishing, wanting to get a glimpse of the sense of brotherhood that would of happened in these days. With the picture set to high quality, this was generated in 90 seconds or so.

Wow! I was amazed how superb the quality is, the textures and colours are vibrant and clear!!

This isn’t the Sea of Galilee, as its too narrow. This looks more like Norway from the shape of scenery.

I did my most recent bucket list item of visiting Mount Tabor in Israel in 2022 seeing what’s thought to be the very place of the Transfiguration of Jesus. Again, I’m shocked how sharp and eye catching this is!

But, at the top of Tabor instead of the Greek Orthodox church and the Catholic church, there’s what looks like the Dome of the Rock mosque that’s in Jerusalem. Tabor is in the Galilee a long way away.

AI can’t determine faith in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob versus other faiths.

This place looks lush and green which could be correct in the February to April part of the season where there is rain.

With current war and recent terrible tragedies in Israel and Gaza, I’ve seen pictures generated showing those kidnapped being released before this actually happened.

So I think AI can have some use given carefully stewarded. We can use it to show something not too ambiguous but there will always be a need for human intervention to check before making public. A watermark with what it was generated should always be added.

3 comments on “Should we use AI for Christian teaching?

    • Hello friend,
      I’ve seen hundreds upon hundreds of people in places like Iran and China come to know Christ as Lord and Saviour.

      I’m seeing a steady amount of new people in my own church in southern UK too.

      know you are loved by the Lord and he wants to know you deeply.

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